HomeInsurance & Compensation StrategiesBreaking Down Injury Claim Calculator Results: What To Expect

Breaking Down Injury Claim Calculator Results: What To Expect

Injury Claim Calculator

When filing a claim for personal injuries after being involved in a non-fault accident, the first thing that comes to mind is how much compensation I can get. An injury claim calculator can help you calculate the compensation.
Before calculating the compensation for a personal injury claim, you have to know about different types of injuries and the proper way to get the maximum compensation for personal injuries.
If you want to know more about how you can calculate personal injury claim compensation, read this guide;

What is a Personal Injury Claim?

You can make a personal injury claim if you got injured due to a non-fault accident. Here are a few things that you need to provide to the insurer or an accident claim management company to win maximum injury claim compensation;

  • Evidence to prove you were not at fault
  • The faulty party’s insurer details
  • Witness’s statement
  • Nearby CCTV footage
  • Detailed medical report
  • You had suffered from illness or severe injuries due to an accident

    Once you have proved you were not at fault during the accident, you must prove the accident didn’t happen because of your negligence. You must provide maximum evidence to the accident management company to do so.

Factors That Affect Personal Injury Claim

When calculating the causation in personal injury claims, proving the sustained injuries resulting from a non-faulty accident. That’s why it is essential to report the case to the police.

You also must seek medical assistance immediately after being injured in a non-faulty accident. Medical aid is still recommended for both parties, even if the accident was your fault.

Once you have gathered all evidence of the accident resulting in injuries, it might be difficult for the defendant or faulty party to deny the injuries were sustained due to the accident.

In short, proving the injuries resulting from a non-fault accident might be challenging. But you can gather the evidence and prove the other party is at fault.

What are the Common Types of Personal Injury Claims?

You can make several personal injury claims with your insurer or an accident claim management company. You could be entitled to maximum compensation if the accident was the other party’s fault.

However, you must prove yourself as a non-faulty person to win maximum compensation for your personal injury claim. You must first know about the most common personal injury claims to win the maximum compensation.

Here are a few basic types of personal injury claims;

  • Whiplash injury claim
  • Accident at public place claim
  • Head injury claim
  • Knee injury claim
  • Accident at work claim


    No doubt, there are endless types of personal injury claims. However, Continental Car Hire covers only personal injury or whiplash injury claims due to a road traffic accident. If you want to know how much you can get for the personal injury claim, contact CCH’s claim handlers for all details.

How Are Injury Claims Calculated?

Your solicitor, insurer, or an accident claim management company will calculate the compensation for your personal injury claim according to the severity of your injuries.

An expert accident claim management company such as Continental Car Hire also calculates your loss of earnings and medical expenses when calculating personal injury compensation.

In addition, the insurer and ACM company also consider general and special or severe damages when calculating personal injury compensation. Here are a few details about general and special damages;

General Damages Compensation

General damages compensate for the injuries, pain and impact of injury on your routine life. An independent solicitor or accident claim management company will process the compensation for general damages according to regional judicial laws & guidelines.
General damages compensation includes;
  • Brain damage
  • Post-accident stress disorder
  • General physiatrist damages
  • Epilepsy
  • Shoulder injury
  • Neck injury
  • Whiplash injury
  • Minor injuries
  • Post-accident chronic pains
Here is a rough estimation of general damages compensation after a non-fault accident;
Injury Compensation Table
Injury Compensation Range
Minor brain injury £1,900 to £11,000
Moderate brain damage £37,000 to £190,000
Severe brain damage £188,000 to £245,000
Minor post-accident trauma disorder £3,400 to £7,000
Moderate post-accident trauma disorder £20,000 to £52,000
Severe post-accident trauma disorder £52,000 to £86,000
Minor psychiatric damage £1,400 to £6,000
Moderate psychiatric damage £5,500 to £17,000
Severe psychiatric damage £47,000 to £99,000
Epilepsy £47,000 to £113,000
Deafness £78,000 to £94,000
Nose fracture £1,470 to £2,260
Cheekbone fracture £1,995 to £2,860
Jaw fracture £5,610 to £7,860
Minor eye injury £3,470 to £7,660
Total blindness £230,260
Severe back injury £86,000 to £152,000
Severe neck injury £140,000
Severe shoulder injury £16,700 to £42,000
Severe leg injury £85,000 to £117,000
Temporary Paralysis £45,090
Noticeable scars £3,000 to £7,500
Chest and lung injury £27,710 to £47,780
Whiplash injury £2,500 to £3,800
Note: These are not the final compensation for a personal injury claim. The compensation amount can still vary based on different factors and conditions. So, consult a reliable accident claim management company to help you calculate and win the maximum compensation based on your non-fault accident scenario.

Special Damages Compensation

Special damages compensation covers the loss of earnings or any other loss incurred due to injury after a non-fault accident. Under the special damages claim, you can get compensation for the following;
  • Travel cost
  • Medical expenses
  • Damage to your belongings due to an accident
  • Cost of repairing your damaged car
  • Loss of earnings due to an accident

How Long Does a Personal Injury Claim Take?

The time limit for a personal injury claim varies depending on different factors and situations. The most common facts that affect the time limit of a personal injury claim are the type and severity of injuries you sustained.

Once the faulty party insurer has accepted the liabilities, you will be ready to receive personal injury compensation.

According to a standard personal injury claim calculator, it takes 4-9 months to get compensation for a personal injury claim after being involved in a non-fault accident.

Can I Get Injury Compensation If the Defendant Denies Liability?

Your personal injury claim will be delayed if the defendant refuses to pay liabilities. If the accident management company or solicitor failed to get compensation from the faulty party’s insurer, they might need to involve the court. Most personal injury claim cases get solved before entering the court.


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